A Partnership That Works

The goal of the System Improvement Leads Project is to provide SELPAs throughout the state of California with the resources and tools they need to serve as connectors, capacity builders, and facilitators within the Statewide System of Support. Areas of focus within the System Improvement Leads Project include improving the quality of data governance and use, building a culture and understanding of continuous improvement, and implementation of high-leverage and evidence-based practices for improving outcomes for students with disabilities.

Spotlight on Success Series: Spreading What Works

Transforming the Journey to Graduation

Explore how Anaheim Unified High School District successfully increased graduation rates for students with disabilities by over 10% in just two years. This success story, developed in partnership with the SIL Transforming the Journey to Graduation Network, highlights key strategies, including a student-centered scheduling process and monthly data reviews. This resource provides actionable steps and tools—such as the Student Scheduling Fly Up Form and the On Track to Graduate Monitoring Checklist—to help districts replicate these improvements.

Spotlight on Success Series: Spreading What Works

IEP Goal Quality Rubric

Creating high-quality IEP goals is essential for student success, but many teams struggle with clarity and alignment. To address this challenge, the IEP Goal Quality Rubric was developed through collaboration between districts, SELPAs, and County Offices of Education as part of the SIL Innovating for Student Excellence (ISE) Networked Improvement Community. Refined through rigorous testing by Irvine Unified School District, this tool helps educators draft IEP goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART). Districts using the rubric saw a 20% increase in IEP goal attainment, with improved alignment between goals, instruction, and student progress. Click here to access the IEP Goal Quality Rubric.

Supporting school leaders in analyzing the Annual Performance Report to improve the quality of education for all students, including those with disabilities.

State Performance Plan Indicator (SPPI) Guide

The SPPI Guide provides convenient access to information on the California State Performance Plan Indicators. This resource includes a collection of individual handouts for each of the 14 State Performance Plan indicators reported in the local-level Annual Performance Report (APR). Each handout will outline the essential elements of the specified indicator including definition, data source, calculation, targets, and connections to related processes. The goal of this guide is to support school leaders in analyzing the wide range of valuable data provided within the APR in order to improve the quality of education for all students, with an emphasis on students with disabilities.

A Different Way to Lead: System Improvement Leads Networked Improvement Community (SIL NIC)

In most organizations, leaders are considered the experts. They come up with solutions to problems and ask their employees to implement them. However, this style of leadership no longer meets the complexity and fast-paced nature of today’s world. Instead, leaders must create learning environments that draw on the expertise of everyone in their organizations and value learning through experimentation and failure.

Introducing the State Performance Plan Indicator Modules

The SPPI Modules are intended to provide easy access to information about the California State Performance Plan Indicators. Each module in the series outlines the essential elements of the specified indicator including definition, data source, calculation, targets, and connections to related processes. The series has been designed to increase educator understanding of how the SPP indicators are developed and how they apply in a local context so that this information can be leveraged when working to improve outcomes for students. To check out the SPPI Modules, please click the link to our Online Learning Center, and look under the Data Literacy tab.

Root Cause Analysis Inquiry Guide

Special Education Common Problems of Practice

The Root Cause Analysis Inquiry Guide Special Education Common Problems of Practice Edition is designed to support teams in conducting rigorous root cause analysis investigations that incorporate qualitative and quantitative data. The intention of this guide is to support school teams in identifying the primary causes behind problems in their educational systems, with the ultimate goal of successfully addressing system issues and improving outcomes for students.

Root cause analysis is a strategy to thoroughly examine practices, processes, and routines to determine their impact on outcomes. It answers the "Why?"

SEL Simplified for Streamlined Success

Supporting SEL through connected practices is a helpful and easy to use resource aimed at connecting educators with aligned practices to support their students' social emotional learning. This resource highlights the interconnectivity of High Leverage Practices (HLPs), Universal Design for Learning (UDL), California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP), and the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) in supporting Social Emotional Learning.

Getting to Know the Improvement Data Center

As part of the System Improvement Leads (SIL) project, the Improvement Data Center was created to provide stakeholders the ability to align their data use and governance practices and monitor data overtime to support the implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

Tools to Support Root Cause Analysis

These resources are designed to support the process of root cause analysis and range from supports for effective meetings to summarizing and planning.

Tools to Support Root Cause Analysis

These resources are designed to support the process of root cause analysis and range from supports for effective meetings to summarizing and planning.

These tools provide protocols for data, affinity, and consultancy

Facilitators Toolkit

The facilitator’s toolkit contains protocols to support improvement conversations and meetings. This set includes protocols to facilitate consensus building, problem solving, teaming and synthesizing.

Facilitators Toolkit

The facilitator’s toolkit contains protocols to support improvement conversations and meetings. This set includes protocols to facilitate consensus building, problem solving, teaming and synthesizing.

These tools provide protocols for problem solving, teaming, and summarizing
Improvement Science suggests one way to accomplish safe, effective and rapid reopening is through the regular use of the Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle.

Plan-Do-Study-Act... to Reopen Schools Effectively

Just over a year since the global pandemic of COVID-19 forced school closures across the country, California is working hard to reopen. The challenge of meeting student needs while maintaining safety protocols, and getting it all done rapidly, is a daunting task for administrators and teachers alike. In many ways, reopening feels like just as much of a crisis in managing our education system as the transition to virtual learning environments did one year ago.

Utilizing High Leverage Practices as Change Ideas to Improve Outcomes for Students with Disabilities

In an effort to build capacity around the implementation of High Leverage Practices (HLPs), the SIL Team has developed a guidebook titled Utilizing High Leverage Practices as Change Ideas to Improve Outcomes for Students with Disabilities. This guidebook was designed to assist LEAs in utilizing HLPs as change ideas to improve outcomes for students with disabilities, and focuses on the elements of the Special Education Plan, including State Performance Plan Indicators 1 through 14, as well as Chronic Absenteeism and Child Find.

The guidebook incorporates change ideas that may be implemented at multiple levels within the LEA to improve outcomes for all students
HLPs focus directly on instructional strategies and are applicable to all content areas and support improved outcomes for students with disabilities.

High Leverage Practices: Improving Outcomes for Students with Disabilities

Building on the work of The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) and Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform (CEEDAR), the System Improvement Leads have developed a resource highlighting the basic definition, criteria, and key components of High Leverage Practices (HLPs). This document outlines the 22 HLPs that are organized around the four aspects of practice: collaboration, assessment, social/emotional/behavioral, and instruction. This resource promotes the implementation of HLPs to support students with disabilities in various school settings and across all tiers of intervention and instruction.

Improvement in Times of Crisis

Brandon Bennett, a Senior Fellow at the Carnegie Foundation for Improvement Science, describes the challenge educational leaders are faced with in responding to the COVID-19 crisis. Bennett suggests that educational leaders can use improvement science to manage their systems and pivot toward rapid learning. The utilization of Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles to test out and gain information can allow for a focus on investing in new resources or maintaining existing ones in order to meet the emerging needs in our current reality.

“... leaders are facing the tremendous challenge of managing their system while not being able to predict what will happen next. How can Improvement Science help?”
Utilizing High Leverage Practices (HLPs) in order to provide high quality distance learning resources for Parents and Educators

Distance Learning Resources

Distance Learning Resources for Parents and Educators

Access to video modules, slide decks, and documents to provide parents/guardians and educators with resources and supports for distance learning environments.

Improving Performance of Students with Disabilities Handbook

A Handbook for Providing Technical Assistance to Local Education Agencies

The handbook is divided into four sections. Section One provides an overview of the key components of California’s accountability system with implications for Students with Disabilities (SWDs). Section Two includes background information on California’s Students with Disabilities. Models and frameworks for supporting SWDs are explored including Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and Evidence-Based Practices (EBPs). Section Three offers specific guidance for developing leadership teams that use data to monitor progress, identify interventions, and adapt instructional practices and behavioral supports to promote success for all students. Section Four provides a toolkit that includes rubrics, templates, tools, and links to a variety of resources that support the technical assistance and guidance strategies presented.

Providing Technical Assistance to Local Education Agencies to improve the performance of students with disabilities
Providing Technical Assistance to Local Education Agencies to improve the performance of students with disabilities

Improving Performance of Students with Disabilities Web Modules

Web Modules for Providing Technical Assistance to Local Education Agencies

The Improving Performance of Students with Disabilities web modules are designed to provide a foundation for improving outcomes for students with disabilities. The modules are aligned with the Improving Performance of Students with Disabilities Handbook and provide: (1) an overview of California’s accountability system and the implications for students with disabilities, (2) background information on California’s students with disabilities and evidence-based practices within a multi-tiered system of supports, (3) guidance for developing leadership teams that use data to monitor progress, identify interventions, and adapt instructional practices and behavioral supports to promote success for all students, and (4) a toolkit that includes rubrics, templates, tools, and links to a variety of resources that support the technical assistance and guidance strategies presented. The training modules are on-demand and provide users with self-paced access to videos, the Improving Performance of Students with Disabilities Handbook, and handouts.

Equity Centered Improvement Prompts

These Equity-Centered Improvement Prompts developed by CORE Districts remind us, through inquiry, to deeply examine our systems with an “equity lens” as we conduct our improvement work. As we move through each phase of the improvement journey, we can use this resource to ensure we are asking questions most likely to lead us toward equitable outcomes.