A Partnership that Works.
Partnering with a statewide system of support to identify inequities and improve outcomes for each student.

Riverside County SELPA
Riverside County SELPA is a partner in the SELPA System Improvement Leads (SIL) project, which seeks to build partnerships with System of Support partners while building capacity of Special Education Local Plan Areas (SELPAs) and Local Education Agencies (LEAs) around data use and governance, continuous improvement methodologies, and high leverage practices.

El Dorado SELPA
El Dorado County SELPA is a partner in the SELPA System Improvement Leads (SIL) project, which seeks to build partnerships with System of Support partners while building capacity of Special Education Local Plan Areas (SELPAs) and Local Education Agencies (LEAs) around data use and governance, continuous improvement methodologies, and high leverage practices.

West San Gabriel Valley SELPA
West San Gabriel Valley SELPA is a partner in the SELPA System Improvement Leads (SIL) project, which seeks to build partnerships with System of Support partners while building capacity of Special Education Local Plan Areas (SELPAs) and Local Education Agencies (LEAs) around data use and governance, continuous improvement methodologies, and high leverage practices.

California Department of Education
The California Department of Education administers the state’s public education system with a mission to ensure a “world-class education for all students, from early childhood to adulthood.” CDE is one of the key support providers working collaboratively with members of the Statewide System of Support to ultimately improve outcomes for students with disabilities.

California Collaborative for Educational Excellence
California Collaborative for Educational Excellence is a statewide agency that serves as a strategic thought partner working alongside educators to listen, identify goals and needs, promote innovative thinking, and jointly solve problems. CCEE is also a member of the Statewide System of Support partnering with the California Department of Education and lead agencies to act as a leader, facilitator and connector.

Imperial County SELPA
The Imperial County SELPA strives to build capacity of SELPAs statewide by connecting and facilitating systems improvement work related to best practices in the implementation and provision of services to English learners with disabilities.

Marin County SELPA
Marin County SELPA & the California Autism Professional Training and Information Network (CAPTAIN) is focused on building SELPA capacity to support students with Autism & other Developmental Disabilities through the implementation of evidence-based practices (EBPs).

Placer County SELPA
Placer County SELPA through the Open Access – Learning and Participation for All project is focused on providing students with access to quality curriculum and participation and active engagement with learning in inclusive settings by eliminating barriers to learning.

South County SELPA
The goal of South County SELPA is to give all students in California the opportunity to live up to their full academic and social potential. They’re guiding teams of community members through a human-centered design process about disproportionality.

Supporting Inclusive Practices
The mission of the Supporting Inclusive Practices (SIP) project is to provide tiered technical assistance to local educational agencies (LEAs) focused on building, implementing, sustaining, monitoring, and scaling up evidence-based practices within integrated educational systems to increase inclusion of PreK – 22 age students with disabilities in general education settings.